Anchored in the Ancients: Why Tradition Matters in Germanic Paganism

My name is Laurence Hardy, Iโ€™m a creative professional from the Pacific Northwest and in this series I am documenting the history of ancient European pagan fertility cults.

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The resurgence of Western pagan practices in the 21st century is a profound and transformative movement. For those of European descent, this revival represents a return to spiritual roots, a reclamation of a heritage that was overshadowed by Monotheistic Semitic religions for over a millennium. These imported values, born of distant desert cultures, often clashed with the intrinsic nature of our own ancestral traditions.

As a devout follower of Germanic paganism, I am deeply heartened to witness and participate in this revitalization. This movement re-integrates archaic indigenous values and brings a natural worldview to the forefront of my life and that of my family. It is a sacred journey back to our spiritual origins, fostering a profound connection with our ancestors and the Earth.

issues with Germanic paganism

However, this spiritual renaissance is not without its challenges. A significant issue within modern Germanic paganism is the prevalence of historical revisionism and the absence of clear moral codes and traditional values. 

Many who are drawn to Germanic or Norse paganism are inherently questioners and nonconformists. It is, therefore, no surprise that they often question traditional values, hierarchies, and binary perspectives of the world. This cultural influence over neopaganism sometimes leads to Universalist, materialist, and culturally entropic tendencies.

A culture that fails to differentiate itself and uphold its traditions risks being consumed by the globalist, capitalist, neoliberal forces. Tradition serves as the bedrock of a distinct culture, people, religion, and tribal law. Those who seek to erase tradition are, in effect, agents of the chaotic world serpent.

Why does tradition matter?

While many modern pagans reject tradition, this is to their own detriment. Without a firm foundation in tradition, their culture risks being leveled and homogenized into a global "melting pot." The unique aspects of their identity and heritage will be ground to dust, commodified, and sold in the mass market to an increasingly detached, apathetic and uneducated populace.

Tradition is of utmost importance. However, we must ensure that our reverence for the past does not become a mere worship of the ashes. Our focus must remain on the future, carving out a place for our people in an interconnected world. We are not Luddites; we are modern individuals rooted in ancient practices and connected to our ancestors through faith. Even those ancestors who embraced Christianity are part of an unbroken line tracing back to the God-king Thor himself. Therefore, we honor them. A millennium is but a brief moment in the vast span of a 10,000-year history.

Many self-proclaimed materialist intellectuals argue that tradition is akin to superstition, devoid of any true meaning. They believe we are adrift in the cosmos, destined for personal and inevitable oblivion. I pity such perspectives. Tradition is the foundation upon which dynasties are built, and those without it will be washed away like grains of sand on the shore. In contrast, those who maintain tradition are like the enduring stone cliffs, steadfast against the relentless waves, slowly moving towards new horizons over the eons.


The revival of Germanic paganism is not merely a return to old practices but a profound reconnection with our spiritual heritage. It is a movement that upholds tradition while embracing the future, ensuring the survival and growth of our distinct culture in an ever-changing world. This belief, rooted in the ancient, is our guiding light as we navigate the complexities of the modern age.

The declaration

As we navigate this archaic renaissance, a declaration has been set forth by esteemed figures within our community. This proclamation draws from historical documents and well-attested literature to establish a robust traditional structure and a moral code for contemporary pagans. These men are my trusted companions, and I am honored to affix my name to this declaration. If the sentiments expressed in this article resonate with you, I wholeheartedly encourage you to add your signature to this declaration at 

Together, we can forge a path that honors our ancient heritage while ensuring the vitality of our traditions for future generations.

To read the first article in this series CLICK HERE.

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Midwinter Blรณt 2024