Ancient European Fertility Cults: Intro

Image of a Pacific Northwest forest with stone altars across a meadow

My name is Laurence Hardy, Iā€™m a creative professional from the Pacific Northwest and in this series I am documenting the history of ancient European pagan fertility cults. CLICK BELOW to join my mailing list to get notified when future articles are released.

What is a fertility cult?

Fertility cults are groups of people who worship deities associated with fertility, often with rituals aimed at increasing fertility, both of the land and of human beings. These cults were prevalent in ancient societies and were often associated with the agricultural cycle, with rituals timed around planting and harvesting. 

Many contemporary pagan practices incorporate elements of fertility cults, the belief in the sacredness of nature and the cycles of life and death are central to many pagan belief systems. 

The purpose of this series is to dive into the magical realm of ancient rituals and traditions to uncover the profound influence of the natural world on pagan beliefs.

Where did European fertility worship come from?

Women dancing around a fire in a Pacific Northwest forest

Fertility cults emerged as a means for ancient European peoples to comprehend and forge a bond with the world that surrounded them. 

The cycles of planting, growth, and harvest were viewed as intimately linked with human reproduction and sexuality. As such, the creation of fertility rituals and deities emerged as a way to venerate and placate these forces. 

In various cultures, fertility cults were also associated with the concept of renewal and regeneration, as the cycle of life, death, and rebirth were considered to be integral to the natural order. 

By way of these beliefs and practices, fertility cults provided an avenue for people to unlock the secrets of life and creation, and to form a connection with the mystical energy that pulsates throughout the universe.

Why are these cults are important?

The significance of fertility cults extends beyond their historical and cultural context. They offer a powerful lens through which we can perceive the interconnections between our bodies and the natural world around us. Through the ancient rituals of these cults, we can create a sense of order in the chaos of existence, and connect with the spirit of the common folk who have walked the earth before us. 

By embracing the essence of these cults, we open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of life's mysteries and the wondrous forces that shape our world.

In this series we will examine the various fertility cults throughout the history of Europe and find the commonalities between them. Next up I will be covering Albanian mythology and folklore.

If you would like to be notified when the next article comes out, CLICK BELOW to join my mailing list.




The Corpus Hermeticum: 1. Poemandres, the Shepherd of Men